We form a team based on common values,
goals and professional ambitions.

We have different competencies, different experiences, but a common passion for continuous development. We treat each other and our clients as partners, and we base our cooperation on clear rules and transparency.

The tiger goes its own way

We build our own organizational processes from scratch and hire people according to a strict key, so that during the period of aggressive growth of the company we do not lose what is most important: the interest of the customer.

The implementation of an ambitious business strategy is supported by a fixed set of values - a compass that we all follow. Thanks to them, we easily recognize the real Tiger, even when he himself does not yet know what's inside him.

We are pioneers in the field of marketing and business, because from the beginning we take a critical approach to our own actions and those of our surroundings. We don't succumb to fads and don't believe in the obvious - faith in our own abilities is the key to business growth.

Franciszek Georgiew
Founder, Tigers

In the word of the CEO

We are a modern and well-functioning organization. We've doubled the agency's revenue consistently year after year, assembled a great team of market professionals and educated the managers behind this success. I believe that everything we do is ultimately about people, so in the daily pursuit of results we don't forget to constantly improve the customer experience. How they perceive their relationship with us ultimately translates into greater trust in working together and achieving common goals.

Karolina Kawska

Tigers CEO

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The strength of our team is how we respond to out-of-the-box ideas and goals that seem unattainable.

We cross borders, reach higher - open to cooperation, different opinions and joint action.

Learn about the history of Tigers

We give so much of ourselves every day and in every action!

Join the Tigers team

Looking for a creative and challenging environment to grow? Join us.

We will teach hard skills to anyone. We are looking for people who share our values and standards.