Aleksandra Gromczyk
Administrative Specialist
In the company, I am responsible for, among other things, handling and working with external suppliers. I also take care of documentation, supplying the office with necessary items, and additionally support the organization of meetings and company events.
Before joining the team, I received a bachelor's degree in administrative studies, and recently began studying for a second degree in management. I began my career path with internships that enabled me to develop the skills necessary for administrative work. Later, I gained experience in the Customer Service industry working as a Salesperson/Customer Service Specialist. In addition, I also developed my language skills by serving as an English teacher at an educational institution for a year.
If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it.
number of books read since 2016 - I count each in turn
the number of places I visited in Switzerland
favorite digit
Nasze umiejętności rozwijamy w modelu T-shaped
Working in a team
It is crucial in both professional and social life, as it allows you to achieve goals, develop skills, build relationships and solve problems more effectively. Teamwork is integral to many aspects of life and work.
It is an important aspect of successful performance in the workplace. It helps achieve better results, gain the trust of customers and partners, minimize risks and build a positive reputation. Accurate and precise execution of tasks means fewer errors, which is followed by better service quality.
It allows better adaptation to changing business conditions and requirements. In today's economic environment, which is prone to change, flexibility allows us to respond more quickly to new challenges and situations.
Aleksandra privately.
Ciekawostki, o których nie wszyscy wiedzą
I love nature and exploring it
I am a fan of Swiss cooking, and most of all sushi
I consider dealing with animals as one of my hobbies
Alexander through the eyes of co-workers...
Jaka jest Ola?
Ola has infinite layers of cordiality and positive energy, which it is impossible not to like from the first "hello". She is the kind of person with whom problems turn into challenges on their own. She enthusiastically takes on all tasks and can always be relied on to complete them. Having such a sunshine in the team is like winning the lottery, and I wish everyone such co-workers and friends
Organization and positive attitude
Ola is an organizer at the highest level. Joining the team, she didn't have an easy task, because from the first days she was given tasks in very different areas and in all of them she found herself excellently. She is definitely my right hand in everyday and unusual areas. And on top of that, her positive energy and openness makes working in her company a pleasure. She is a solid foundation of the team.
Dołącz do zespołu TIGERS
Wierzymy, że pasja i dyscyplina zjadają wiedzę oraz doświadczenie. Kompetencji twardych nauczymy każdego. Szukamy osób, które wyznają nasze wartości i standardy.