
Grzegorz Chojnacki

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

Grzegorz Chojnacki

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, who makes Tigers' clients even more customers: implementing proven strategies, creating unique content and moderating social media profiles.

My story is related to... history, the field of study I graduated from. I learned then how to write better, how to manage large amounts of information and how to do persistent research that leads to a goal. My path in social media began with internships and junior positions that eventually led me to Tigers.

Viribus unitis - with joint forces.


years of experience in digital


managed FB pages


approved schedules


Nasze umiejętności rozwijamy w modelu T-shaped


Social Media

His main specialty is social media - he creates and implements communication strategies, achieves image goals and develops communities at brands.


Kreatywność w tworzeniu angażującej komunikacji to podstawowa cecha każdego, kto chce wyróżnić się w social media. Dzięki stosowaniu niezmiennych zasad marketingu w nowych formach, może realizować cele klienta na każdej płaszczyźnie.


On a daily basis, he proves that engaged moderation is a great tool for building real relationships in communities at brands and supporting the decision-making process.

Gregory privately

Ciekawostki, o których nie wszyscy wiedzą


After hours, he assembles and paints plastic models.


He puts together a puzzle with his daughter and son.


And he is going through his stops on public transportation by reading....

Gregory through the eyes of his associates...

Wiedza i kompetencje

Gregory's ability to build customer relations and a friendly team atmosphere is something that characterizes him. His empathy, openness to others and curiosity about the other person makes him get along not only with all his colleagues, but also with clients. When you add to this great professionalism, commitment and a sense of responsibility for projects, then you know you are dealing with a real Tiger. For Gregory there is no situation without a way out, even in the most stressful moment he is able to find a solution that satisfies each party. On top of that, his willingness to help and understanding of the other person means that everyone in the team has great support in him.

Martyna Celuch
Martyna Celuch
Head of Customer Success

Peace and confidence

Gregory is a model of calmness and analytical thinking. Every task he is given to perform is broken down into its essentials and then executed with the utmost care. He approaches new challenges with great enthusiasm, is creative and highly organized. He quickly and easily establishes contact with clients and colleagues. I wish everyone in the team such a person as Grzesiek

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Wierzymy, że pasja i dyscyplina zjadają wiedzę oraz doświadczenie. Kompetencji twardych nauczymy każdego. Szukamy osób, które wyznają nasze wartości i standardy.