Digital Marketing Specialist at Tigers and a salary of 20 000 PLN - how is it possible?
Wheredo they pay 20k a month?
At Tigers. In our agency, the salary of one person in the position of Digital Marketing Specialist in December 2023 was more than PLN 20,000. How is this possible?
At Tigers, we operate on the basis of a commission system awarded by Airtable. This automated tool is based on a special algorithm that calculates employees' compensation every month. What does this mean in practice?
The agency's profit is shared and each specialist works on his own account. At Tigers, you get bonuses from ongoing projects, won tenders, training, speaking engagements and consultations. In practice, the amount of a specialist's salary (along with bonuses from winning bids or client or employee referrals) can reach more than 30% of the generated revenue for the agency.
"The participatory compensation model for our professionals has been our differentiator since the agency's inception. We believe it's a way to attract people who are close to our entrepreneurial approach and growth mindset, which is one of our core values. This way of rewarding work is also part of a responsible and transparent approach to business, making it consistent with how we build our relationships with clients. It is also worth mentioning that in addition to profit sharing, we make sure that the salary bases of our professionals are market-competitive. What does this mean in practice? In Q4 2023, specialists billed a monthly average of PLN 13,000, but there were also those whose salaries exceeded PLN 20,000."
Karolina Kawska, CEO of Tigers.

At Tigers, we are committed to transparency and salaries are no exception in this regard. The financial spreads for each position are visible as soon as you enter our website (which is still not a standard in the industry).
How do you close the month at Tigers with a salary of 20k?
Commitment, proactivity, multitasking - these 3 qualities will take you to the marketing, but also financial ;) peak. To double and triple your salary, you can't give the bare minimum. In our industry, it's all about letting your imagination run wild, turning it into action and puncturing it into profit.
Have an idea? Present it to the client, execute it and go beyond the template that most marketers are stuck in.