Maximizing conversion value in the fashion industry

Case study.

Facebook Ads / Conversion
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Maximize conversion value

Focus on specific brands / products by season

Effective use of a large advertising budget


Reach an affluent target group interested in buying luxury goods

Implement activities after the release of iOS 14, when most customers are using this or a newer version


Optimization for value

In order to budget effectively, we tested a bidding strategy such as "ROAS Target," which worked great in the catalog campaign, yielding 2x the ROAS set as the minimum.

Using groups of similar audiences on a value basis

When creating groups of similar audiences, we use the option of value-based groups. This increases the likelihood of reaching people who are willing to spend more.

Supplement advertising formats with video

In order to exploit the maximum potential of the creative layer of advertising activities, we supplemented the campaigns with video creations, which is definitely a premium format and works well in sales campaigns.

Scaling high performing campaigns

With the goal of maximizing conversion value, we gradually increase the budget and expand target groups for stable campaigns with above-average ROAS and low cost-per-acquisition.


Average monthly ROAS on the account for the last six months
14 000
Purchases generated through Facebook Ads for the last six months
PLN 32.46
Average cost per purchase for the last six months
PLN 32.46
Average cost per purchase for the last six months

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